Organizing Life...

Friday, July 1, 2016

In the past, this blog hasn't quite been the outlet that I expected, but I'm hoping for a fresh start; to use this as a way to simply organize my life.  I hope by writing out what has worked for me, and kept me on track, I can reflect back when things get a little out of hand and unmanageable. I want to make myself accountable for being the best partner and mother that I can be, but most importantly I want to make sure I am taking care of myself.

I've found that I am my most productive when I wake up early. By doing this, I have a few moments to myself where I can unwind with a  cup of tea, check e-mails, unload the dishwasher, finish a load of laundry.

On a daily basis, I am trying to not touch items more than once and put my phone down more. By not touching an item more than once, I mean when I am finished with that item, it gets put away, either away in a cabinet, or a room; a dish in the dishwasher, instead of dirtying up the sink. By doing this, I know where everything is, and I'm not wasting time "looking" for something because everything has (or should have, this is a work in progress) a place.

I'm trying to meal plan, to not only save money and stick to a budget, but to keep my family healthy. Making foods that both nourish our bodies and our souls.

I've also learned with the craziness that comes with 30's and three children; I must write everything down. This helps in a few unexpected ways. The obvious, I don't forget what needs to get done, but unexpectedly as well, I can list items in order of priority, this means I always having a running list for the day. It gives items a sense of urgency, I try not to put them off until later, which only creates a panic. Lastly, checking an item off sure feels liberating.

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