It's The Small Things

Friday, January 31, 2014

I find that every January, people are looking for ways to better themselves in the form of a new years resolution.  This is all well and good, but how many actually follow through with them, or worse, skip a day, a week a month before you remember that you aren't sticking to that resolution because you, simply put, forgot.  Instead of a resolution, I am hoping to make a better me.  A better me for myself, a better me for my family and a better me for the world.  It doesn't matter that I am starting this during the middle of February.  It's not a resolution, but a goal. I can't fail, because even the smallest change, means I have met my goal.

I am hoping that I can remember to enjoy the small things, to smile more and worry less and enjoy the sweet time that I have with my kids, because I will never have *this exact moment* with them ever again, because every day they will be just a little bit older, a little more grown.  Just the other day I overheard my kids talking and I overheard Bella, my witty 4 year old saying "you know, we're almost grownups now."  Her sweet innocence.  Sweetie, you're right, you'll be grown up before you know it and I will wonder where that time went, and how is it that those years simply slipped by.  But I also hope to personally tackle other goals too, like cooking home cooked meals more frequently, to create a recipe book of family favorites for me to pass down, and spending less money on the things that don't matter and putting down my the electronics.  I would love to create a budget and stick to it!  Spend more time outdoors enjoying this beautiful world we live on.  But most importantly, I want to give my kids the best me possible; the one that laughs, listens and teaches but also learns. 

I hope to use this space as a journal to document these small things, that really are the big things.  To remember the things I thought I would never forget, to have something to look back on and remind myself that in this crazy, chaotic life, there was so much that I was thankful for.